Home > LED PRODUCTS > Light Wands > Windmills> LED Bat Skull Head Windmill Wand
led bat skull head windmill wand tm07783.jpg
    Product InformationUpload date:Dec 2023
    Name LED Bat Skull Head Windmill Wand
    Item No TM07783
    Light Modes 2
    Led Colors 1ML 2RD 1YL 1GN 1BL 1RB
    Batteries 3*AA
    Size 43*11*6CM
  • led-bat-skull-head-windmill-wand-tm07783-0.jpg.jpg
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  • led-bat-skull-head-windmill-wand-tm07783-4.jpg.jpg
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    Product Information    Upload date:Dec 2023
    Name LED Bat Skull Head Windmill Wand
    Item No TM07783
    Light Modes 2
    Led Colors 1ML 2RD 1YL 1GN 1BL 1RB
    Batteries 3*AA
    Size 43*11*6CM
  • Product Description
  • 1. Black bat handle with ball, white skull head, milky white windmill leaves, with sound

    2. Includes 3*AA batteries, toggle switch, battery box can be locked with screws and insulation sheet can be inserted

    3. There is a multi color light at the bottom, a red and blue LED in the middle of the skull head, and others on the windmill leaf

    4. Turn on the switch, the bottom of the multi color LED slowly changes, the red and blue LED inside the skull head flash, the fan blades rotate, and the sound on, off



    Introducing the LED Bat Skull Head Windmill Wand – a spooky and enchanting accessory that adds a touch of magic to any event! This wand features a mesmerizing LED windmill with a sinister bat skull head, perfect for Halloween or themed parties. Illuminate the night with the eerie glow of this unique and captivating wand!



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    نقدم لكم عصا الساحرة برأس فأر الخفاش مع مطحنة الرياح والتي تحتوي على LED - إكسسوار مخيف وساحر يضيف لمسة سحرية إلى أي حدث! تتميز هذه العصا بمطحنة رياح LED ساحرة مع رأس فأر الخفاش الشرير، مثالية للاحتفال بالهالوين أو الحفلات ذات الأجواء الموضوعية. أضيء الليل بلمعان غامض من هذه العصا الفريدة والجذابة!

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